Thursday, May 28, 2009

a couple of shots for a rainy day!
i gave clayton some 'portulaca' hair this year and the cardinal and blue jay were constantly in the yard today, but then again they usually are on dull days, that's why i filled up the bird feeder first thing this morning and had my camera ready!


  1. Ok, Clayton is too cute! And please stop torturing me with your pictures of all the birds I'd love to get either a bit more often or at all in my backyard!!! LOL Hummingbirds and now bluejays...

  2. I'm still after a cardinal shot,they are around all the time but just not in the right spot ! I had the camera ready all day yesterday as the hummingbird was on the washing line coming and going to the feeder but every time I was ready he either went the other side and I couldn't see him or flew off !!!!

  3. Those are beautiful shots of the cardinal and the bluejay. Wow! And the pot person is too funny!
