Saturday, May 23, 2009

here are a few photos that i thought you might enjoy from today, the female cardinal was taken by hubby.
it's a funny thing and i don't know why this happens, but those white irises in the middle were purple last year, go figure! maybe the soil!!! :)
i was wanting to have a hummingbird feeder in our yard for ages and i finally bought one on tuesday when i went to canadian tire for some bird seed. it says to hang it where you have seen the birds feeding before just so they find it and then move it closer, but i was not here all week and just left it hanging on the frame of the gazebo on the deck. well lo and behold this morning here was this little guy having himself a feast, YEAH!!!


  1. I think the soil as we discussed the other day or a reverting type thing........they are very pretty white anyway !
    Cool hummer shot.......I'll post mine this week.Our hummers have been crazy this weekend buzzing around the garden.

  2. Oh and Stuart says cool shot and that's a female for sure.
