Saturday, April 4, 2009

saturday, 4th april - ok it was 5 o'clock by the time i remembered to take a shot and it was just
at cocktail hour and with such a lousy lit day, what better object to take than my delicious marguerita, cheers!

friday, 3rd april - i took so many shots on the road today to get the shot for the day and i had some pretty intersting ones like the canadian & american flags at the border but this shot just melted my heart. elki & zoe were so excited to see us, but by 9 o'clock elki just couldn't keep her eyes open and zoe was still going strong!

thursday, 2nd april - we had just driven into west virginia and stopped to stretch our legs and get a coffee and it was so pretty i chose this shot over many, many others for my second photo.

wednesday, 1st april - we left for home early this morning and this is my first shot for our photo-a-day challenge. they have this beautiful way of marking the main roads off of route 95 in northern florida and here is one of them!

1 comment:

  1. Great mix of shots.Love the first one with the palm trees.
    I'm behind in putting my latest up,I think I'm going with a nature/garden theme :)
