Saturday, December 26, 2009

day 25...

well it's finally christmas day and it turned out to be a pretty darned good day, only one child meltdown right at dinner time, but we will just chalk that up to tiredness and hunger! i only forgot to get one thing and reg said no one would even notice, but just as we were about to sit down, justin asked 'where are the crackers', i just knew he would notice! oh dear...! we took a lot of photos and i am torn between 2 for today's photo, so i will post both, but the official one will be this one of st. patrick's church since we are afterall celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ!

and here is the other one of the kids before we opened any presents! i think that that is the trick, take the official family photo then , and everyone co-operates!!!


  1. Two great pictures but I really love the one in church. So majestic. Love your trick with the kids though. LOL

  2. The church one is glorious with all that gold....of course the other one is cute!
    E and Z are getting to look very alike :)
