Sunday, June 21, 2009

21 june - 'male' challenge

since it was father's day today, ruth challenged us to take an anything 'male' photo. so the gang was here today and of course only one male co-operated for my shot. i had an idea that the 3 guys would be in the shot, but only one part of their body, so you wouldn't know who was who, but 'ain't goin to happen' was the replies i got! and julie, get your mind out of the gutter! :) it was going to be a leg each from knee to ankle! anywho this is the shot i ended up with. check out julie's brother!


  1. Nice profile! I don't know your sons-in-law that much but I'd guess it's not D. =)

  2. HEY, why is it MY mind that's in the gutter?!!! ;) great idea to take a close up shot of just one part, wish I had thought of that!

  3. it's Dom isn't it...I would think he would be your willing volunteer ? Great idea for this one patti.
