Saturday, June 6, 2009

6 june - looking up!

ruth's challenge for us today was to 'look up'. what did i see today when i looked up, i saw nice white clouds, the chimney and the top of the fir tree in the front and i took photos of them all, but after we got out of the pool laura gave me an idea. by that time though, the girls would not co-operate and we had to bribe justin with a candy for him to do it, but he loves that he ended up looking like a giant!!! julie's is here and ruth's is here.


  1. That is such a cool picture Patti! Love it. :)

  2. Ha ha, that's funny! Great idea! I had been hoping Breanna would come over after soccer and I was going to ask her to throw helicopters for me. didn't happen though.

  3. Cool perspective,great colours too,lovely shot Miss P !
